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Who participate in EDPI?

Currently these research groups are involved in EDPI:

Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Departments of neurology and general practice
– Prof. Willem A. van Gool, neurologist
– Prof. Edo Richard, neurologist (also Radboudumc, Nijmegen)
– Prof. Eric P. Moll van Charante, general practitioner
– Dr. Marieke P. Hoevenaar-Blom, epidemiologist

Karolinska Institute, Aging Research Centre, Department of Neurobiology, Health Care Sciences and Society, Stockholm, Sweden
– Prof. Miia Kivipelto, geriatrician
– Dr. Alina Solomon, geriatrician
– Prof. Laura Fratiglioni, neurologist and epidemiologist
– Dr. Francesca Mangialasche, geriatrician
– Dr. Anna Stigsdotter Neely, psychologist

University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, department of neurology and National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland 
– Dr. Satu Ahtiluoto
– Dr. Alina Solomon, geriatrician
– Prof. Miia Kivipelto, geriatrician

UMR1027 INSERM- University of Toulouse, Gerontopole, Dept of Epidemiology and Public Health, Toulouse University Hospital, Toulouse, France
– Prof. Sandrine Andrieu, epidemiologist
– Prof. Bruno Vellas, geriatrician
– Dr. Nicola Coley, epidemiologist

University of Cambridge, Cambridge Institute of Public Health University of Cambridge, UK
– Prof. Carol Brayne, Professor of Public Health Medicine
– Blossom Stephan

EDPI meeting, Stockholm, April 10th 2011

From left to right, back: Francesca Mangialasche, Satu Ahtiluoto, Edo Richard, Pim van Gool, Eric Moll van Charante, Alina Solomon.
Front: Nicola Coley, Miia Kivipelto, Sandrine Andrieu.

HATICE Kick-off meeting 17-18 January 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

From left to right, back: Pim van Gool, Edo Richard, Dave, Bram van de Groep, Eric Moll van Charante, Yannick Meiller, Blossom Stephan.
Front: Stella Koppel, Tiia Ngandu, Cathrien Beishuizen, Hilkka Soininen, Stéphanie Savy, Carol Brayne, Paulien Vermunt, Sandrine Andrieu, Nicola Coley.

PRODEMOS Kick-off meeting 15-16 January 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

From left to right, back: Harm van Marwijk, Frank Groen, Diederik Geuze, Pim van Gool, Edo Richard, Jean Georges, Melanie Hafdi, Esmé Eggink.
Front: Wei Wang, Bram van de Groep, Eric Moll van Charante, Lonneke van Vught, Marieke Hoevenaar-Blom, Cindy Birk, Anders Wimo, Nicola Coley, Jenni Kulmala.